The Hunt is on

The hunt is on - we are chasing bogus training facilities. Our first target is a so-called Christian University called Calvary University. Keep a watch on this ! This group misuses Christianity for their own purposes and we are out to uncover their modus operandi

Friday 25 November 2011

Calvary University update 2

On this link :   on the website of  the  Hebraic Roots Teaching Institute  (HRTI) a whole write up is being made of the Calvary University and their view on accreditation.   From the text it is evident that they shun any form of accreditation and maybe this is why nowhere in the world word QA is of any importance will you find them being able to offer any course of value.
They do offer an extensive variety of degrees in Cameroon but as everyone knows there is no proper QA in place and every teaching institute can basically do what they want.  
As the text further explains Calvary sees themselves above the law when it comes to accreditation.  More soon.
Emails to us from the HRTI has indicated their withdrawal from the University - Will keep in touch with them

Calvary University update

Further to our research on the Elusive Calvary University we have found on their website information on a very interesting "spin-off"  called Calvary Academics.  Further investigations reveals that this is actual a SOUTH AFRICAN close corporation run by one Paul Banting.  He also runs CLT (Christian life Tutors) who is also accredited by the even more elusive CQA.    Running scans on CQA some other South African "teaching centres" quotes them as being the Christian way to be accredited.  None of these organizations who runs (it seems) some extensive training is nowhere officially accredited.  Thus they can be called Bogus - or what? As we continue with our research on the worlds 8 th wonder : Google we will reveal more !

Thursday 24 November 2011

Calvary University

Hunting after bogus Universities is sometimes quite interesting. One never knows what you will uncover.
We have been tasked with investigating this University.  Interesting stuff we found is that they appear not to be accredited for anything anywhere in the world.  They claim to be registered in Belize yet nobody we encountered there has even heard of them. Searching teaching institutions in Belize one do not find their name there.  They claim to be "accredited" by CQA (Christian Quality Authority) yet this organization also does not show up on any Google searches.   A website for CQA also is non operational.     I will be posting other interesting stuff about them soon.   Bogus ?  I do not know yet.  We will get to the truth soon !