The Hunt is on

The hunt is on - we are chasing bogus training facilities. Our first target is a so-called Christian University called Calvary University. Keep a watch on this ! This group misuses Christianity for their own purposes and we are out to uncover their modus operandi

Sunday 12 August 2012

On the website the owner claims to offer amongst other things through the NON EXISTENT CALVARY UNIVERSITY various degrees amongst others :

Students may furthermore register with a higher educational institute such as Calvary University (CU) to have the following qualifications issued — after facilitation by CLT:
  • Bachelor of Ministry – CU
  • Bachelor of Counselling – CU
  • Bachelor of Divinity – CU
  • Bachelor of Ministry (Honours) – CU
  • Bachelor of Counselling (Honours) – CU
  • Bachelor of Divinity (Honours) – CU
  • Master of Ministry – CU
  • Master of Divinity – CU
  • Master of Counselling – CU
  • Doctor of Ministry – CU
  • Doctor of Divinity – CU
  • Doctor of Counselling – CU
  • Ph.D. in Various fields– CU
It is the policy of Calvary Life Tutors to continuously negotiate with several Higher Educational Institutions to have agreements in place for the benefit of the students in order to facilitate their further studies at the College or University of their choice.
Facilitation permission for the above programmes is already in place.
Note: CLT does not act on behalf of any Higher Educational Institute and facilitates training as a mutual agreement between CLT and the student after the student has already registered with an HE institution of choice.

The last sentence says it all :  He does not have ACCREDITATION ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD TO OFFER DEGREES AND HE KNOWS IT. - It is of course all to do with that nice word GREED !

Thursday 9 February 2012

Accreditation Calvary University and Others

Following my postings on this blog I have been inundated with emails with details of all sorts of training facilities in the Christian Arena in South Africa and I would like to explain a bit about the "accreditation"  requirements as far as they are concerned.

I am not claiming to be an expert on this but anyone differing from me is welcome to give me feedback

Here are the facts :

1.  If you are a training facility claiming to be able to issue degrees in South Africa you have to be registered with the Department of Higher education and your course have to be registered as well.
2.  If you issue degrees from some international University that university have to be accredited somewhere and with some accreditation authority of good standing somewhere and you must be able to PROVE to anyone inquiring the details.  It is always a good idea to confirm the existence of this "accreditation  authority"
This is not always easy and I will be posting some details of how you can go about it in a follow up posting.
3.  If you offer short courses you should be able to explain to your prospective students what the course is worth if it is not accredited.  There are no law requiring short courses to be accredited but should you be issuing certificates (other than a certificate of attendance) you have to explain what it is that the student have learned and where this course is accredited.  Depending on what you want to do with the course and whether the intended employer will accept the credibility of content you can do the course as long as it does not claim to be a degree, a certificate or having so much "CREDITS" towards some eventual qualification if it is not accredited

4.  The existence and actual acceptance of the accreditation authority by the relevant authorities is also a problem.   It is also a good idea to investigate this.   (Google is the best tool for this)

5.  The best is to actually ask the prospective learning authority a few questions and these are the basics :

     a.   Where are you accredited ?
     b.    Could you show me a copy of the eventual qualification document I will receive should I pass the course ? This document should contain details of accreditation - If it does not they are not accredited.
     c.   Could you give me details of your accreditation _  a copy of the accreditation certificate is a good idea or just the name and address of the accreditation authority and their relevant accreditation numbers.
6.  Although they might have the best material in the world it is worth nothing if no one will accept the eventual certificate.     Claiming to have  good name over the past so many years and issuing illegal degrees ( Like Calvary is doing) is a total farce.

Saturday 4 February 2012

a new (old) website with some more bogus.........

The following quote was found on the website :

This is one of the other websites run by SBM .................

Every bit of training direction of accredited programmes for which we do mentoring is determined by the providers (example: Calvary Academics, City & Guilds, EDI, LCCI, etc) of the registered programmes. 

The following of course are the problems with this claim :

1.  None of the programs run by Calvary Academics has been accredited ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD...........
2.  None of its programs are REGISTERED anywhere in the world.............
3.  As of today SBM does not have accreditation from either City &Guilds, EDI or LCCI.   We do not comment further on Calvary academics as it is a non entity. 

Tuesday 24 January 2012

The lies they tell : Calvary University

We have a copy of a Calvary University Certificate called :" Bachelor of Ministry (Honours) " which anyone reading it would accept it as a Bmin degree.  Except it is not. It was issued by the nonexistent Calvary University.
The interesting parts :  It was signed by the Chancellor Calvary University  : Dr I Gray (Phd)  , The standards moderator Dr G  Alborough Phd , and someone called the Dean of the faculty whose name is not mentioned.  It has the CQA  accredited stamp on.  This is also a non entity = it does not exist.
( As far as could be determined this was also something created by the creators of the fictitious university)  It was issued by Calvary University , Chester reg no. 31881  which also cannot be traced in any way.  Should you start looking on the internet for any of these gentlemen's names you will not find any mention of them.  

I think it is time that the South African authorities start going after the local marketers of this program.  The more we dig the hairier it gets.  Apparently most denominations of churches in South Africa have students studying through this "University" and being good Christians do not question the authenticity of their mentors ?   What will they be preaching once they have finished their courses ?  

The irony is that there are properly accredited courses available in South Africa by institutions accredited by the Dept of Higher education. 

Monday 23 January 2012

Daai beroemde graad ( Calvary University)

Kommentaar deur Me Bruwer : ( kommentaar op hierdie blog veronderstel om deur haar geskryf te wees)

 Ek het my grade deur Vision University 
(Kaapstad) gedoen, en nie Calvary soos jou
onfeitlike halwe waarheid weergee nie. Ek is 
tans besig met my Dubbel D. (Jy kan ook 
baatvind om jouself bietjie "op te lig dmv
onderwys... Daar is niks soos 'n bietjie 
inligting om die lewe weer rooskleurig te 
maak nie).

( alle pogings om "Vision University" in Suid Afrika op te spoor was sover vrugteloos - Ons het nou navrae aan die Amerikaanse instelling met n soortgelyke naam gerig en sal ons bevindings later hier publiseer)

Haar webblad verklaar egter dat sy die volgende grade en kwalifikasies deur Calvary Universiteit gekry het.

(Onthou dat Calvary Universiteit n "non entity" is en wie dit ookal bedryf geen grade kan uitreik nie)

 B.Min. Theology – Calvary University 2004
17.     B.A. Counseling – CQA 2005
18.     M.Min – Calvary University 2008
19.     M. Min Endorsement – Nutrition 2008
20.     Doctorate in Counselling Nutrition and Sexology endorsement– Calvary University – 2009

You can run but you cannot hide ! 

Inligting wat ons kon bekom oor Vision University :

Vision International University is an unaccredited institution in Ramona, California offering academic degree programs designed to prepare men and women for professional service in Christian ministry. The university offers distance education and online learning programs.

Dit beteken basies dat hulle kurusse in die Christelike milieu aanbied wat nie ge-akrediteer is nie en kan jy nie n graad of enigiets soortgelyks daar verwerf nie.  Die fokus is baie duidelik op "Christelike" en is ons van mening dat "Seksologie" in niemand se wildste drome as "Christelik" geklasifiseer kan word nie 

It is coming a long way - Beeld 2009

Tienduisende rande vir ‘nikswerd’ grade

2009-06-07 21:48
Gloria Edwards

Die nasionale onderwysdepartement ondersoek ’n pastoor van Pretoria se onderwys-instituut wat nie geregistreer is om hoër- onderwyskwalifikasies aan te bied nie.
Dit kom ná ’n voormalige student Beeld ingelig het sy was onder die indruk sy studeer vir ’n graad deur die Sunray Beauty Academy International.
Die naam is vroeër vanjaar verander na Sunray Business Mentoring (SBM) Centre International.
Beeld het ná ’n ondersoek die onderwysdepartement ingelig dat SBM voorgee hy bied verskeie internasionaal erkende kwalifikasies deur die Londense City & Guilds (C&G) aan, waaronder hotelbestuur, kursusse vir sjefs, rekeningkunde en inligtingstegnologie.
Volgens mev. Joleen Rugg, C&G-bestuurder in Suid-Afrika, het SBM slegs goedkeuring om twee kwalifikasies (skoonheid en haarstilering) aan te bied.
Volgens C&G moet sy goedgekeurde sentrums ingevolge wetgewing sedert Desember 2007 by die departement as private instellings vir verdere onderwys en opleiding geregistreer wees.
C&G het bevestig hulle ondersoek SBM nadat Beeld hulle ingelig het oor die bewerings.
SBM erken op sy webblad ( en jericho. dat hy nie geregistreer is nie.
Sy aansoek vir registrasie is glo in 2003 onttrek omdat SBM nie sy studente wil opsaal met die hoë koste van regeringsgoedkeuring nie.
Mev. Tienie Heyneke van Boksburg beweer egter sy het meer as R43 000 aan haar dogter, Martlie (21), se skoonheids- en B.A. Berading-kwalifikasies bestee wat “eintlik niks werd is nie”.
Volgens Heyneke het haar dogter van 2006 tot 2008 deur SBM se Boksburg-kampus studeer. Sy het in 2006 en 2007 ’n skoonheidskursus geloop en voltooi.
“Sy het klas geloop, eksamens geskryf en ’n gradeplegtigheid bygewoon. Ons het hulle nie betwyfel nie, want die hoof is ’n pastoor en die dekaan/eienaar van die (Boksburg-)kampus ’n prokureur,” het Heyneke gesê.
Martlie het verlede jaar met die B.A. Berading-kursus begin. “Hulle het my nie ’n keuse gegee nie en my by Calvary-universiteit (’n Amerikaanse internet-opleidingsinstelling) ingeskryf. Toe hulle skielik sê dis self-studie en dat ons geen praktiese klasse het nie, het ek agtergekom iets skort,” beweer sy.
By navraag is Martlie deur die departement ingelig dat nóg SBM nóg Calvary geregistreer is om in Suid-Afrika hoëronderwyskwalifikasies aan te bied. Sy het toe haar studies gestaak.
Beeld het self ervaar hoe SBM die indruk wek dat hy ’n hoër-onderwyssentrum is.
Kursusgeld beloop tot tienduisende rande en volgens ’n personeellid het SBM “ ’n slaag?syfer van 65% en word daar jaarliks vier eksamens geskryf, waarvan die laaste een internasionaal is”.
Past. Celeste Bruwer, hoof van SBM, hou egter vol SBM is ’n “mentorsentrum” en “hoef dus nie te registreer nie”.
“Ons bied nie kwalifikasies nie, ons mentor programme en kwalifikasies.”
Sy beweer alle studente word in onderhoude hiervan ingelig.
“Die Heynekes het genoeg vorms geteken wat bewys hulle is ingelig. Ons tree nie namens universiteite op nie.”
Volgens Bruwer gebruik SBM kenners wat studente mentor.
Martlie ontken dít egter. “Bruwer het gesê hulle ís geregistreer.”
Mnr. Granville Whittle, die departement van onderwys se kommunikasie-direkteur, het bevestig hulle ondersoek die bewerings.
- Beeld

Beeld Vandag 22 Jan 2012

Ouers vies oor private ‘skool’

2012-01-22 21:16
Die huis in Sinoville, Pretoria, waar verskeie leerlinge verlede jaar “skoolgegaan” en hul matriekeksamen gedruip het. Foto: Theana Calitz
’n Groep ouers van Pretoria is woedend oor ’n private instelling wat glo voorgee om ’n “skool” te wees waar gr.12’s die nasionale senior sertifikaat-eksamen kan skryf.

Minstens ses leerlinge wat verlede jaar matriek aan die Sunray Business Mentoring Centre International (SBM) in Sinoville geskryf het, het gedruip.

Hulle het die Eksamenraad vir Christelike Onderwys (Erco) se eksamen geskryf.

Me. Corine Fick, ’n ouer, het gesê: “Ons het elkeen omtrent R20 000 se skoolgeld vir die jaar betaal en ons kinders het niks om daarvoor te wys nie.”

Die ouers wil ander waarsku en doen nou stappe om die SBM gesluit te kry.

Van die talle probleme wat Fick en ander ouers uitgewys het, is dat hul kinders nooit rapporte gekry het nie.

“Ons was heeltyd onder die indruk dat die kinders goed vorder.”

Fick het gesê sy was wel by tye onrustig omdat daar ’n hoë personeelomset was en dit geblyk het van hulle nie onderwyskwalifikasies het nie.

Dit blyk ook nou die skoolkurrikulum is nooit behoorlik gedek nie.

Beeld het in 2009 ook oor die instelling berig wat ondersoek sou word omdat dit nie geregistreer is om hoëronderwys-kwalifikasies aan te bied nie.

SBM bemark steeds sy kursusse en dienste op die webwerf www.jericho.­

Op die webwerf waarsku SBM dat hy of enige van sy ander “mentorsentrums” nie studente vir ’n program of kwalifikasie kan of sal registreer nie.

Volgens die webwerf is “pastoor” Celeste Bruwer die hoof van SBM.

By Beeld se besoek aan die huis in Sinoville vanwaar skoliere onderrig gekry het, het Bruwer se man, Wikus, gesê hy is nou hoof van die “mentorsentrum” en dat sy vrou haar “met ander sakebelange besig hou”.

Voor dié huis is ’n bord wat die dienste van Sunray Beauty Academy bemark waar enigiets van modulêre kursusse tot kursusse in skoonheid, haarkappery, teologie en berading gevolg kan word.

Bruwer het ontken dat hulle ’n “skool” is.

Volgens hom kan leerlinge enige “tuisskoolprogramme” volg en dan na die mentorsentrum kom waar hulle “gehelp” word.

Hy het gesê die leerlinge wat by hulle uitkom, pas nie baie goed in hoofstroomskole aan nie.

SBM keur ook nie leerlinge nie, maar evalueer hulle en beveel aan watter vakke hulle behoort te neem.

Mnr. Panyaza Lesufi, nasionale onderwyswoordvoerder, het gesê die ouers moet ’n klag by die spesiale ondersoekeenheid van die polisie indien, wat op bedrieglike instellings toeslaan.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Proof of non accreditation

This quote from the latest newsletter of CLT is proof that if the University actually exist it is not accredited :

When I started with accreditation I was
about 49 and next month I will turn 60.    
If it comes our way and we can represent
Calvary here in a proper Higher Educa-
tion capacity, it will be an honour. We
here at CLT will continue to do our work
of distribution of material but amongst us
we have the expertise to administer such
an institution which was designed to cater
for the Higher Education needs of Africa. 
This will bring with it a huge responsibil-
ity and some rethinking will have to be
done. Many will want to jump on … but
standards must be kept high at all costs.
To achieve this will be a challenge.       ��
CLT applied and received conditional
accreditation in 2000 and continued on
the road of short courses from 2004. Now
Calvary University has asked us to follow
up on their efforts thus far to finalise the
quest of obtaining the apparently neces-
sary holy grail of education: accreditation.
With education nothing is certain but
nothing should be impossible with Christ
because wo trust 100% on His ability as
He in turn expects our availability.
We personally became very negative
about the whole accred thing when we
saw how others also gained the status and
then lost it again. We also saw how
brother turned against brother. We found
that institutions did not apply the rule em-
bedded in the law that requires them to
apply RPL if there is no accreditation.
In all these things we were more than
conquerors through Christ Jesus who
gave us the strength to endure all.
There are so many fakes and crooks in
this world that one has to ensure that
someone’s qualification is legitimate. So
that is the real reason for accreditation: to
ensure quality when you do not know
who you are dealing with. CLT is so well
known that just about everyone in the
Department of Education knows us and
has our number at hand. 
So we are the best people to ask to take
Calvary’s efforts one step further towards
officialdom in the academic world.
Accreditation: CLT asked to investigate for Calvary
The various Phases enable our students
to achieve ever higher goals in life.

Please someone - where on earth is this illusive University ?
All email addresses on their website is returned unknown except the one in
England. And where do you think they referred us to when they eventually answered us :
To mr Paul Banting owner of the South African cc called Calvary academics and also
the big nr 1 and Calvary life Tutors.   The ring has not been closed - there are still some
people out there we need to identify.

Calvery University in SBM brochures

 The following has been copied from a brochure on another of SBM's websites :

Who or what is Sunray? 
Sunray Beauty Acadmy was a Private Higher Educational Institute, in the process of accreditation by
SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority) and CHE (Council on Higher Education) during 2000
and until August 2003. It volutary withdrew from accreditation when better options became apparent as
CHE moved the goalposts by requiring all schools to be evaluated. 

Sunray Business Mentoring International now publishes short-courses for training members in
management. The material and suggested training method is of such high quality that the students can
receive rpl for experience. In other words the work done can be credit-banked towards a Certificate,
Diploma and a Bachelor of Ministry degree at for instance Calvary University. The student studies
through a local School by attending lectures on a part time basis for the first two academic years\'s
courses (Cert and Dipl). During the Bachelor year phase (third academic year) the student is registered
with Calvary University (for instance) and works mainly on his or her own being mentored in close
contact with a tutor. The Sub Campuses are run by qualified degree holders such as attorneys, doctors,
pastors etc. and is registered Tuition Centres of Sunray Business Mentoring centre International. 

This courses are ahead of its time in being based on Objective Directed Learning. It takes the student
through all the doctrines, but from a very practical point of view in order to transform the student in his
or her area of experties. SBMC INT\'L also offers mentoring to a study group for Masters and Doctorate
of Ministry programmes for which students have registered at for instance Calvary University.

It is very evident that CALVERY UNIVERSITY and Calvery academics featured very prominently in marketing material of SBM.  And as we now know the University is bogus and Academics is just a local close corporation with no accreditation whatsoever.  Apparently some students wrote an international matric with them last year under the auspicious of Academics and we will be publishing details of this as we are now tracing these students and will be conducting interviews with them soon.

Copied from their website this morning

Celeste Bruwer 

She is the author of many publications on internationalization concepts and strategies, quality assurance, institutional management, academic mobility, cross-border education, GATS and capacity-building.
In the last 10 years she has taken a leadership role in working with international teams on three regional studies/publications for the SBMOTP, CA and the CU on internationalization of higher education in SOUTH AFRICA.
Currently she is involved with a similar project in Africa.
Dr. Bruwer has been the principal researcher and author of several national and international survey projects on internationalization, including the worldwide surveys by the International Association of Universities.
She is a co-owner at the CELSITEC Institute for Studies in Education, involved with curriculum building at Calvary Academics, and is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Studies in International Education and the SBM on Higher Education.

1.       Certificate Cosmetology 1992
2.       Diploma Cosmetology 1993
3.       Advanced (teachers) Diploma Cosmetology 2004
4.       Diploma nail technology 1993
5.       Masters (teachers) nail technology 1997
6.       Certificate level 1,2,3, Spa training 2003
7.       Diploma level 1,2,3 Beauty therapy 1993
8.       Advanced Diploma 1,2,3, Beauty therapy City & Guilds 2004
9.       Diploma Expert Negotiator Program – Jack Quinlan & Associates (Ohio State University) 2002
10.     Various Certificates in Beauty product training 1991-current
11.     Diploma Strategic Selling & Execution By Gavin Sharples 1999
12.     Certificate – International School of Ministry 2001
13.     Diploma – International School of Ministry 2002
14.     Associates Degree – Vision University of California 2003
15.     Ministry Diploma – CLT 2003
16.     B.Min. Theology – Calvary University 2004
17.     B.A. Counseling – CQA 2005
18.     M.Min – Calvary University 2008
19.     M. Min Endorsement – Nutrition 2008
20.     Doctorate in Counselling Nutrition and Sexology endorsement– Calvary University – 2009

If only the University existed -this would have been impressive !

Quote from the latest news letter from Calvary life tutors

 Theae guys are really so thick headed that they still think they are fooling people -
The  truth is they are.

They are still offering qualifications (see bottom of the quote) from this Bogus University called
Calvary that is not accredited ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.  Countries where they claim to thrive has no Qaulity Authorities.  - Please note CQA also does not exist

The following was copied from the latest newsletter of Calvary Life Tutors
Anyone who wants to read it can just send me an email to for the PDF version

Quoted :

Calvary Life Tutors (CLT) is one of the most dynamic and
rapidly growing educational institutions in South Africa.
CLT was established in 1985 (then known as Christian Life
Training) when ministry material was prepared and      
published for the church to train disciples, raise up     
workers, leaders and even pastors. A series of short
courses were launched in 1990 to enable local churches
country-wide to operate their own Bible Schools.
The curriculum is published under the new brand name of
Calvary Academics and indicates a strong academic bond
with the e-learning institution Calvary University. Many of
our students have moved on from the Certificate and the
Diploma, to complete a Bachelor, Honours, Masters and
Doctorate  programme with the University.

Our main task will always be the preparation, distribution
and guidance in using ministry material for local church
Bible Schools. This is what we at CLT are called to do.  􏰀

The Plot Thickens - yet again

Dismay at Pretoria school’s failure rate

iol pic fail matric PN E SBM1
Etienne Creux
Distraught parents and pupils at the college where six out of 24 matric pupils failed. Picture: Etienne Creux
A Pretoria mother is fed-up after her son and a several of his classmates at a private school in the city failed their matric exam.
Putting the blame on the school, the woman says the school must be closed so that the same thing doesn’t happen to other children.
“Six (pupils) failed two or more subjects,” said the woman, who does not want to be named as she is still trying to come to terms with her son’s dismal results.
“What can I do? Even if he rewrites, he is apparently so far behind he can’t catch up by next month to write supplementary exams,” said the desperate woman.
She said her son attended a state school, but she took him out in Grade 10 because she was told the private school was so good. “(The school’s motto) is ‘the child comes first’ and if there are problems they say they will work on them,” said the mother.
Paying fees of R20 000 a year, the woman said she knew her son was struggling with maths and paid for extra classes. “I went to the school and they kept reassuring me that he would pass.”
She claims that a number of teachers left during the year.
“They were given the chemistry work just three weeks before the mock exams,” she said.
According to the woman, the school’s principal, Wikus Bruwer, merely shrugged his shoulder when confronted by parents on Thursday.
However, Bruwer disputed the allegations.
According to him, 24 pupils at the school wrote matric, and of those, six had failed.
Of the six, one did not submit a portfolio for life orientation and the other had not turned up to write the exam.
He attributed their failure to lack of class attendance and the parents’ insistence that their children should continue with subjects they had failed at public school.
“There are attendance registers which the mentors mark during each class, and many of those who had failed were not attending.
“We don’t force pupils to attend, because we are primarily a mentoring institution.
“We advise parents and pupils on which subject they should take based on their performances from previous schools, but they don’t always listen. We tell them we are willing to take the learners if they are willing to work hard, but we can’t guarantee they will pass,” Bruwer said.
He said he had not heard of classes being cancelled owing to teachers not being present. He added that teachers were always in attendance and those who resigned were replaced immediately.
“The maths and science teachers were here all year round; only the IT teacher left, but was immediately replaced. No one failed IT.
“I used to teach life orientation, but I stopped when another teacher took over. I again started teaching life orientation when that teacher left,” said Bruwer. He added that he had arranged meetings between parents and mentors. He claimed that some of the parents would turn up late for these meetings, by which time the mentors had gone.
Eksamenraad vir Christelike Onderwys (Erco), the independent examination body that the school falls under, said some of the pupils had failed a subject or two. The head of examinations, Theuns de Wet, said 11 candidates from the school wrote the Erco examination. He would not reveal the pass rate.
Bruwer said the other 13 pupils wrote under the auspices of another institution. The attendance certificates they offered all had a credit value and were recognised by an e-learning university, as well as by other tuition centres and colleges, he added. - Pretoria News Weekend 

Maybe someone must just ask where the other matrics wrote ?  Maybe the answer will be : Calvery Academics - the non existent option

Here is the link to the article :

Friday 20 January 2012

The penny is dropping

After my last post I have been contacted by various people that have or are busy studying for degrees with the Calvary University and have now found that there are no Accreditation and that their degrees will eventually be worth nothing ,  Zip , Nil.     A case has now been opened with the Serious commercial crimes unit and I will be posting the details and contact names on this blog soon.

This is an open invitation to anyone that had any dealings with the Calvary University or SBM to get into contact with me - especially if you paid for a degree, an international matric or RPL Process.  All these programs that were run by one of these institutions is bogus and we are collecting evidence.

To the owners of the institutions just these words  :   You can Run but you cannot hide !