The Hunt is on

The hunt is on - we are chasing bogus training facilities. Our first target is a so-called Christian University called Calvary University. Keep a watch on this ! This group misuses Christianity for their own purposes and we are out to uncover their modus operandi

Tuesday 24 January 2012

The lies they tell : Calvary University

We have a copy of a Calvary University Certificate called :" Bachelor of Ministry (Honours) " which anyone reading it would accept it as a Bmin degree.  Except it is not. It was issued by the nonexistent Calvary University.
The interesting parts :  It was signed by the Chancellor Calvary University  : Dr I Gray (Phd)  , The standards moderator Dr G  Alborough Phd , and someone called the Dean of the faculty whose name is not mentioned.  It has the CQA  accredited stamp on.  This is also a non entity = it does not exist.
( As far as could be determined this was also something created by the creators of the fictitious university)  It was issued by Calvary University , Chester reg no. 31881  which also cannot be traced in any way.  Should you start looking on the internet for any of these gentlemen's names you will not find any mention of them.  

I think it is time that the South African authorities start going after the local marketers of this program.  The more we dig the hairier it gets.  Apparently most denominations of churches in South Africa have students studying through this "University" and being good Christians do not question the authenticity of their mentors ?   What will they be preaching once they have finished their courses ?  

The irony is that there are properly accredited courses available in South Africa by institutions accredited by the Dept of Higher education. 


  1. Calvary is one of a few of these bogus universities where you can be given a Ph.D. within 5 months of enrolling! Others to look out for are, Therapon, Teamwork, Open International University for alternative Medicines.

  2. I'm not the spoke's person for Calvary University but I can only speak from my own experience. I also studied at Calvary, with other students from various backgrounds, some even alumni from accredited university's in South Africa. EVERYBODY know that the University was not accredited in South Africa, it was repeated on several lies there!..For someone to get a PhD in 5 month, we'll I doubt that seriously, that just didn't happen when I studied there. Some students from RAU even complimented in the help they got from mentors and their contact sessions. Accreditation in the christian realm is different than in the rest of society and o call the University "bogus" speaks of bias and clear intentions to spread rumors and lies. I'm involved with Education in South Africa and if the government keeps changing the goal post with every new minister and the monopoly within the accredited institutions it become financially impossible to become to their every "wimp", the question you should ask is if the studies is inferior to other institutions, which clearly it's not. Some accredited university's can rather be called "bogus", believe me, I know!
    Even student's from accredited university's qualifications are not acknowledge overseas, so what happen to accreditation now? Let me repeat, I'm not the spoke's person on behalf of Calvary, also not affiliated with, or family of anybody at Calvary, I only studied there up to 2007. I knew that the University voluntary withdraw from the accreditation process because of various reasons. The material was professional, clear and affordable. Christians in various country's enjoy the methodology of Calvary and their staff and churches use the material as a basis for their seminary's. I personally think some accredited university's are "bogus" because of what they teach students and the indoctrination that take place.....God is the only accreditation I care about!

  3. Rick I think you miss the point, the course material quality is irrelevant to the discussion, on my Calvary academic book it clearly states that Calvary University is an accredited institution with the department of education in South Africa, this is a blatant lie and thus misleading to potential students, they are nothing short of a scam...

  4. Unfortunately there are no lies in this blogpost - These are scammers par excellance ................A degree is a degree only when it is recognized by the relevant authorities - Thus if you get a theology degree from a recognized university it is recognized as such by the relevant Education department or accreditation authority. In our research it was found that even bogus accreditation authorities have been created in the process .

  5. The whole process of accreditation of Christian Institutions is a difficult matter. DHET and SAQA have put in place the Unit Standards, developed probably by individuals who are not Christian at all. To map Christian Courses to these standards becomes very complicated. Probably we need a Christian Accrediting Body made up of Christian Scholars who understand Christianity to deal with Accrediting Christian Institutions. Before anyone believes I have no understanding of the Unit Standards, I am a Constituent Assessor and Moderator.

    1. This might be so.but these guys are planning to make money off Christian pastors claiming to be a university with genuine degrees - which they are not - The whole thing with their so-called CQA AND CLAIMS ALL OVER THEIR WEBSITES OF BEING ACCREDITED ALL OVER THE WORLD is a whole bogus thing. I had a whole team of forensic investigators go after all these claims and not even one of them was true. If such a Christian accreditation body ever came into being they most probably will again fall into the trap of calling their outcomes degrees and doctorates which they are not. We found quite a lot of these in America. If you want a doctorate why not enroll at a normal university where you can get a doctorate. I have had a look a a thesis that someone wrote for Calvary university and I can tell you this - My granddaughter in first year university would have done a better job!

  6. The material is excellent. We have used these materials progressively over the years as they have been developed according to different academic levels. Their library is second to nothing. We have even developed our own elibrary that is even servicing students from the local university. If starndards are set in accordance with those required by SAQA. And other International bodies, what is the fuss about a balanced christian education that is providing what is needed in the world of education.

    Education should be protected and safe guarded but the stereotypes of traditionalism that overlook the dynamics of our time and even the content and basis of the kind of education being offered leaves a lot to be desired. We dont want bogus institutions but get down to the bottom of the matter and do a professioal assessment to appreciate what is being offered other than the conventional approch with no flexibility to meet the needs of the time. Older similar institututions are fighting because of the competition posed by the so called unconventional Universities.Knowledge remains knowledge no mattere where acquired. I am not a South African but my passion for ministry and education has made me to get to the bottom of things to see what is it that will meet the needs of our people spiritually and academically. When International Standards are set and followed why no recognition for such efforts. A.M.C.

  7. This is abstract from the Department of Education, State of Florida USA. that approve Christian Institutions of Higher Learning to offer
    Degrees by Exemption, my question than are these Institutions Bogus.

    Home | Policy | Commission For Independent Education
    Religious Institutions
    Florida Statute 1005.06 (1)(f) Religious Institutions Exempt from the Commission's Jurisdiction
    Religious institutions that meet the requirements found in Section 1005.06(1)(f), Florida Statutes and Rule 6E-5.001, Florida Administrative Code are not under the jurisdiction or purview of the Commission for Independent Education and are not required to obtain licensure.
    Section 1005.06(1)(f), F.S. reads:
    A religious college may operate without governmental oversight if the college annually verifies by sworn affidavit to the commission that:
    The name of the institution includes a religious modifier or the name of a religious patriarch, saint, person, or symbol of the church.
    The institution offers only educational programs that prepare students for religious vocations as ministers, professionals, or laypersons in the categories of ministry, counseling, theology, education, administration, music, fine arts, media communications, or social work.
    The titles of degrees issued by the institution cannot be confused with secular degree titles. For this purpose, each degree title must include a religious modifier that immediately precedes, or is included within, any of the following degrees: Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, and Doctor of Education. The religious modifier must be placed on the title line of the degree, on the transcript, and whenever the title of the degree appears in official school documents or publications.
    The duration of all degree programs offered by the institution is consistent with the standards of the commission.
    The institution's consumer practices are consistent with those required by s. 1005.04.
    The commission may provide such a religious institution a letter stating that the institution has met the requirements of state law and is not subject to governmental oversight.

    Rule 6E-5.001 Religious Institution Letter of Exemption
    Definitions. As used in this rule, a "letter of exemption" means a letter issued by the Commission to a religious college providing that the institution has met the requirements of state law and is not subject to governmental oversight.
    The Commission shall issue a letter of exemption no more than once annually, after receipt of a properly completed application on CIE Form 113. CIE Form 113, Application for Religious Institution Letter of Exemption, is incorporated by reference to become effective upon the effective date of this rule. CIE Form 113 may be obtained without cost, from the Commission's website at or by writing to the Commission for Independent Education, 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1414, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400.
    The sworn affidavit portion of CIE Form 113 shall be executed by an Officer, Director or person holding a similar office with the religious institution.
    The Commission shall not issue a letter of exemption where it has not received a properly completed CIE Form 113.
    Duration. A letter of exemption is valid for one year from the date reflected on the letter.
    Download Form 113 - Application for Religious Institution Letter of Exemption (PDF)

  8. in the end the question of motive must be addressed regarding so called theological studies at ANY institution, specifically at those with bogus accreditability listed above. are the studies to further your own personal aims in life or to the glory of the Triune God? just by googling some of the above mentioned organisations, it is clear that it is all about money and a quick 'academic' fix; so there is no excuse for anyone 'attending' that they did not know what they are doing.
    in the end it is about money, the self and exerting power and influence in whatever false church or other scheme you happen to be in and there is a word for it, deceit!
